AIIC Canada
AIIC Canada -

Welcome to AIIC in Canada

The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) was founded in 1953. It includes close to 3,000 members worldwide, in 89 countries and 22 AIIC regions.

Canada is one of the regions of AIIC. It includes more than 125 members located mainly in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto, but also in other cities across the country.

Members of AIIC in Canada, as all their colleagues elsewhere in the world, follow a code of ethics which sets standards of confidentiality, deontology and professional practice.

Our members also support and contribute to the main objectives of AIIC:

  • defining the profession and improving its visibility
  • representing AIIC in collective agreements it negotiates with international organisations such as one of the United Nations institutions whose head office is in Montreal, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation)
  • improving the practice of conference interpretation through training and research
  • developing the profession by assessing the impact of new technologies such as videoconferences.